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'Security check, camera B!'

I hear that every time I go to the supermarket. I always think they're looking at me.

I don't know why. I've never stolen anything in my life.


  1. LOL. I thought it was just me that was stuck with illogical guilt-for-no-reason!

  2. That's hilarious! I am exactly the same way too! I actually had a 'store cop' following me around the grocery store once (they try to be sneeky, but they are soooo obvious)....I went up to him and asked him if he needed anything...and is that why you are following me through the store?

    For freaking sake....don't they realize that doing that to a woman by herself only makes her think that if he isn't a store cop...he is come kind of psychopath?

  3. I used to work for a dept store and were made to make false security calls over the PA all the time, not even the codes or sections we used were legit.

  4. Carmen, there are weird people in supermarkets ...

    Tan, you mean ... you mean ... there is NO camera B?

  5. Me too.

    And I tense up every time I walk through security sensors at the exits of shops for no good reason...

  6. Seems like it makes everyone paranoid by the sounds of things - me too of course!

  7. Eleanor, one of things went off the other week when we exited a shop. They came running out and apologised for not removing the security sensor from the thing we had bought.

    Paranoid, Ange? I'm not paranoid! :)


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