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New supermarket shock.

Last week, it was coffee that couldn't make up its mind whether it was decaf or not.

Last night I saw a new item in the spreads aisle: chocolate peanut butter. Cool. You could make chocolate satays.

I'm expecting to see chocolate Vegemite soon. It will be the same colour.

Then what? Chocolate breakfast marmalade? Chocolate tomato paste? Chocolate atlantic salmon?


  1. You say that like chocolate in everything is a bad idea. (Okay, maybe not the tomato paste). Have you ever had occasion to taste Mexican mole sauce? It's got chocolate in it, but is very savory. It is usually served over chicken, or the chicken is stewed in it.

    And do youse guys get Nutella down there? It's a hazelnut chocolate paste, supposedly for sandwiches, but I prefer using it for baking and pastries.

  2. Yes, Julie, I'm particular - I generally like chocolate on its own. Or in cakes. We do have nutella - my older two children demolished crate loads of it in the eighties. I used to have entire cupboards full of the empty jars. I think they had Disney characters or something similar on them. I haven't tried mole yet - if there's enough chili in it to counterbalance the chocolate, I'd probably love it.


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