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Around the Mediterranean with a pot of meat sauce (I wish).

A big pot of Bolognese for a cold night: a large chopped onion and a clove of garlic cooked a few minutes in some olive oil, to which I added ground beef and cooked until brown, then tossed in a can of diced tomato and a good dollop of tomato paste, a dash of marsala, a few herbs from the garden, some ground black peppercorns and a dash of salt. And about a litre of water. I let it cook for hours, topping up the water level and letting it simmer away.

Boil up a big pot of water, salt and add spaghetti. Cook to your liking. I’m not an al dente kind of guy, I like the slurpy unctuousness (-osity?) of well cooked pasta when it’s paired with traditional sauces like bolognese.

It was great. But there was a heap of Bolognese sauce left over.

So the next night, I tossed a can of sweet corn in the base of a baking dish, layered the rest of the Bolognese sauce over it alternately with thin slices of salted-and-drained eggplant and topped the lot with a creamy béchamel of milk, continental flour, some parmesan cheese (it’s all I had but worked great) and a dash of nutmeg and salt.

Voila! instant moussaka. (Pardon the French, I don’t know the Greek equivalent.)
