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Hey, pesto.

The heat took its toll on the garden and several shrubs that went in perhaps too late into spring were scorched. Even the tomatoes suffered. The sage appeared to be gone but is coming back. The crepe myrtle gets summer shade and will be fine. Queen Elizabeth was severly scorched but I cut her back and she'll take off again. I hope.

The basil? The basil seemed to enjoy the heat and is going like wildfire. I picked bunches and bunches of it. So it's pesto time of year again.

Linguine with vegetables and three-greens pesto.

Three greens because I threw in some dandelions and a couple of silverbeet leaves. Along with the basil, loads of it.

The food processor swallowed it all up busily with the help of several glugs of olive oil, half a dozen large garlic cloves, half a small block of grated parmesan and of course, pinenuts. Bzzzt. Bzzzzt. Bzzzt. And an extra long bzzz-zzz-zzz-zzzt at the end just to get it really fine and green and oily and delicious.

I boiled the pasta and in another pot, some cubed sweet potato, pumpkin, potato and then zucchini in at the end, just to soften.

Drain, toss the vegetables through plenty of pesto and serve on the pasta with more grated cheese. And some more leaves of basil. Just to use them up.


  1. Love the smell of it, it perfumes the whole kitchen. We've beem a bit slack, our basil has just gone in.

  2. Sounds just lovely. You have made me jealous - nothing fresh here for us for quite a few more months.


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