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What to do with two limes.

We ate Mexican last night. No, not chili and cornbread; fresh asparagus, from the supermarket, labelled Product of Mexico. Usually it's Peru. I wondered which airport they'd flown out of. I boiled them lightly and sprinkled them with lime juice and cracked pepper, they were a good accompaniment for:

Ssalmon with lime butter

To 50g softened butter, add the zest of two limes and the juice of one, a tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley and two chopped cloves of garlic. Combine and refreeze. Slice into rounds. With your knife blade on the horizontal, slice thick pieces of salmon almost in two, leaving a join. Insert rounds of lime butter into the fish.

Barbecue the fish: I did mine in a heavy cast iron pan on the coals in order to catch the melting butter and pour over the fish when serving, along with with extra lime juice from quarters of the second lime.

Drink: cold sauvignon blanc. Or a gimlet.
