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100 top songs: 80-71.

80. Come Monday - Jimmy Buffett. Best Monday song ever written: ‘with you I’d walk anywhere’. But come Monday, is she really going to be there?

79. Big Big World - Johnny Burnette. Heartbreak vocals reveal the girl has left apartment 10, 2197 Avenue, so he tries a phone booth - ‘the phone just took my last dime’

78. I Threw It All Away - Bob Dylan. Bob confesses ‘once I had mountains in the palm of my hand/rivers that run through every day’ while the keyboard hovers high above the vocals like a disapproving church organist

77. My Girl Josephine - Fats Domino. Rumbling R and B gold from master pianist

76. Ride Me High - J. J. Cale. Cale whisper-croons his way through this shuffling roadstop blues-tune, minding the bassline along the way lest it blow his head off

75. I Get a Kick Out of You - Gary Shearston. Unnervingly, disarmingly hypnotic version of the Cole Porter classic complete with shuffling acoustic guitar ... and a violin break. Incredible, but some didn't get it

74. Johnny B. Goode - Lobby Loyde and the Coloured Balls live at Sunbury 1973. Wikipedia describes the Sex Pistols as ‘groundbreaking'. Hardly

73. Mountain of Love - Johnny Rivers. Close-rhymed lightning-lyricked southern rockin' blues mastery

72. Zoop Bop Gold Cadillac - Daddy Cool. Rockabilly revivalists were hamstrung by the mega-success of their first single but they had much better material than the pedestrian Eagle Rock

71. Peggy Sue Got Married - Buddy Holly. Released posthumously, the sequel, in totally different style, was better than the original
